Leadership & Performance Partners facilitate Incident Investigation workshops that may be tailored to suit your business policies; procedures and compliance requirements.
Our workshops cover the following topics:
- Purpose of Incident Investigations
- Legislative Requirements including: Notification; Non-Disturbance of the Scene
- The Incident Investigation Process (Understanding the processes and steps)
- Initial Response to an Incident including: Safety Issues – safety of first responders and those at the scene; Non-Disturbance of Scene (Requirements and Exceptions); Securing the Scene
- Internal Notification Processes
- External Notification requirements
- Investigation Levels – roles and time frames
- Gathering Information techniques and methods (PEEPO) including: Scanning the scene; Taking Photos; Drawing Plans /Sketches; Identifying witnesses
- Interviewing Witnesses including: Planning for the Interview; Effective Questioning Techniques
- Recording the Incident and Investigation
- Identifying Contributing Factors (Creating timelines; Identifying Immediate and Root Cause )
- Making Recommendations (PEEPO)
Pictured is Craig Semple, one of our Incident Investigation Workshop facilitators. Craig has 25 years policing experience, the majority of which was spent as a detective conducting major investigations. He brings a wealth of expertise particularly when having discussions with participants and answering their questions in relation to requirements at the scene of an incident; collecting evidence; preparing for an interview; and procedural fairness including well-being issues.
Workshop attendees are provided with a Participant Guide which serves as a resource post the workshop. A Certificate of Attendance is also issued which may be used by attendees if they have industry maintenance of competence requirements.